If you read my last post, you either chose to collaborate in the
conceptual art I'm creating, or you chose to observe.
You can
collaborate by trying to imagine the conceptual picture I'm trying to 'paint', and by trying to discover how the picture you're seeing is [different from / same as] the picture I'm seeing.
EXERCISEWhat was your first impression of
the previous excerpt from the scifi novel I'm writing?
Re-read it if necessary, then choose one of the following statements that best describes your
first impression:
- It was [crap / brilliant].
- Renice must be [crazy / high].
- I was [bored or confused / intrigued or enlightened].
Remember the number. In my next post, I'll tell you in which
audience set I'm imagining you. In the meantime, here's one of my favorite M.C. Esher drawings to consider:
By the way, happy spring! or, if you use a
lunisolar calendar, happy NEW YEAR!
[Next: Excerpt 2]